A Thousand Cranes – 1999 – CATS

A Thousand Cranes – 1999

January 15th to February 6th,1999

Nevada Theatre, Nevada City, California

written by Kathryn Schultz Miller

directed by John Deaderick


This is the true story of Sadako Sasaki, a 12-year old girl who became stricken with leukemia 10 years after the bombing of her city, Hiroshima, Japan. It is a story about her will to live and her desire for peace in the world.  Thomas Angell and Elise Talbot were each nominated for an Elly award (Best Male and Best Female Lead in the Young People’s category).

Theatrical poster for "A Thousand Cranes."

The Cast of

A Thousand Cranes



Actor I

Paurl O. Walsh

Actor II

Lisa Moon


Anne Alyse Ostis


Elise Talbot


Thomas Angell

Sadako's Mother

Patty Lum-Ohmann

Sadako's Father

Gordon Sakaue

Grandmother Oba Chan

Phyllis Wong

A actor in face traditional Japanese makeup plays a taiko drum.

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