Housing Needed for Actors – CATS

Housing Needed for Actors

Simple wooden houses sit in a row.

If you love theatre and wish to support CATS, please consider a donation of housing to our out-of-town actors. The need for housing would be during rehearsals and production of The Great Leap in 2023 (late-January through May 20th), on select days during this period. Do you have private guest quarters, like a granny unit, a guesthouse, or an Airbnb that you could make available? We prefer housing in Nevada City and Grass Valley, but would consider Alta Sierra and Penn Valley. Please contact Jeannie Wood at info@catsweb.org. In return, CATS would offer you comp tickets to the show, recognition in the playbill, a free ad if you have a business, a sincere appreciation for your generosity, and a modest stipend!

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